The highest compliment I can pay my customers is to ask for advice!

PS has an important goal for 2024. This is to gain more exposure via media outlets.

What do I mean? I’d like to gain coverage via TV, Print (newspapers & magazines), radio, and podcasts.

So, who might you know that would like to cover PS’ story and vision?

To create a pathway for greater income and connectedness for persons with and without challenges.

Samantha, President & Founder

Ready, Set, Go!

Since I’m still learning, I thought I would ask our followers & customers for a little help. Here’s a link to a brief survey where you can give me your input and creative thoughts!

Please put on your thinking cap and have a blast with this!

Just think about connecting the dots.

The one thing I know is that relationships make the PR world go around.

I’m all ears!

I’ll be sending a PS gift to the three followers or customers who come up with the best suggestions! So, put on your thinking cap!

Peace, Love & Understanding
